Package | Description |
---|---| |
The Dynamometer tool is used to stress test the HDFS NameNode by setting
up a realistic environment consistent of fake DataNodes and a real NameNode
with a real FS namesystem and near-real user workload (RPCs).
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.applications.distributedshell |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api | |
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.async | |
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.client |
Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.client contains classes
for YARN Services Client API.
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util |
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Main run function for the application master.
boolean |
Main run function for the client.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AllocateResponse |
ApplicationMasterProtocol.allocate(AllocateRequest request)
The main interface between an
ApplicationMaster and the
ResourceManager . |
CommitResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.commitLastReInitialization(ContainerId containerId)
Commit the Last ReInitialization if possible.
ReservationDeleteResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.deleteReservation(ReservationDeleteRequest request)
The interface used by clients to remove an existing Reservation.
FailApplicationAttemptResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.failApplicationAttempt(FailApplicationAttemptRequest request)
The interface used by clients to request the
ResourceManager to fail an application attempt. |
FinishApplicationMasterResponse |
ApplicationMasterProtocol.finishApplicationMaster(FinishApplicationMasterRequest request)
The interface used by an
ApplicationMaster to notify the
ResourceManager about its completion (success or failed). |
KillApplicationResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.forceKillApplication(KillApplicationRequest request)
The interface used by clients to request the
ResourceManager to abort submitted application. |
GetAttributesToNodesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getAttributesToNodes(GetAttributesToNodesRequest request)
The interface used by client to get attributes to nodes mappings
available in ResourceManager.
GetClusterMetricsResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getClusterMetrics(GetClusterMetricsRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get metrics about the cluster from
ResourceManager . |
GetClusterNodeAttributesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getClusterNodeAttributes(GetClusterNodeAttributesRequest request)
The interface used by client to get node attributes available in
GetClusterNodeLabelsResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getClusterNodeLabels(GetClusterNodeLabelsRequest request)
The interface used by client to get node labels in the cluster
GetClusterNodesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getClusterNodes(GetClusterNodesRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get a report of all nodes
in the cluster from the
ResourceManager . |
GetContainerStatusesResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.getContainerStatuses(GetContainerStatusesRequest request)
The API used by the
ApplicationMaster to request for current
statuses of Container s from the NodeManager . |
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetLabelsToNodesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getLabelsToNodes(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetLabelsToNodesRequest request)
The interface used by client to get labels to nodes mappings
in existing cluster.
GetLocalizationStatusesResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.getLocalizationStatuses(GetLocalizationStatusesRequest request)
API to request for the localization statuses of requested containers from
the Node Manager.
GetNewApplicationResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getNewApplication(GetNewApplicationRequest request)
The interface used by clients to obtain a new
ApplicationId for
submitting new applications. |
GetNewReservationResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getNewReservation(GetNewReservationRequest request)
The interface used by clients to obtain a new
ReservationId for
submitting new reservations. |
GetNodesToAttributesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getNodesToAttributes(GetNodesToAttributesRequest request)
The interface used by client to get node to attributes mappings.
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetNodesToLabelsResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getNodeToLabels(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetNodesToLabelsRequest request)
The interface used by client to get node to labels mappings in existing cluster.
GetQueueInfoResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getQueueInfo(GetQueueInfoRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get information about queues
from the
ResourceManager . |
GetQueueUserAclsInfoResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getQueueUserAcls(GetQueueUserAclsInfoRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get information about queue
acls for current user from the
ResourceManager . |
GetResourceProfileResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getResourceProfile(GetResourceProfileRequest request)
The interface to get the details for a specific resource profile.
GetAllResourceProfilesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getResourceProfiles(GetAllResourceProfilesRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get all the resource profiles that are
available on the ResourceManager.
GetAllResourceTypeInfoResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.getResourceTypeInfo(GetAllResourceTypeInfoRequest request)
The interface to get the details for a specific resource profile.
IncreaseContainersResourceResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.increaseContainersResource(IncreaseContainersResourceRequest request)
ReservationListResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.listReservations(ReservationListRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get the list of reservations in a plan.
ResourceLocalizationResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.localize(ResourceLocalizationRequest request)
Localize resources required by the container.
MoveApplicationAcrossQueuesResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.moveApplicationAcrossQueues(MoveApplicationAcrossQueuesRequest request)
Move an application to a new queue.
RegisterApplicationMasterResponse |
ApplicationMasterProtocol.registerApplicationMaster(RegisterApplicationMasterRequest request)
The interface used by a new
ApplicationMaster to register with
the ResourceManager . |
ReInitializeContainerResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.reInitializeContainer(ReInitializeContainerRequest request)
ReInitialize the Container with a new Launch Context.
ReleaseSharedCacheResourceResponse |
ClientSCMProtocol.release(ReleaseSharedCacheResourceRequest request)
The interface used by clients to release a resource with the
SharedCacheManager. This method is called once an application
is no longer using a claimed resource in the shared cache. |
RestartContainerResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.restartContainer(ContainerId containerId)
Restart the container.
RollbackResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.rollbackLastReInitialization(ContainerId containerId)
Rollback the Last ReInitialization if possible.
SignalContainerResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.signalToContainer(SignalContainerRequest request) |
SignalContainerResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.signalToContainer(SignalContainerRequest request)
The interface used by clients to request the
ResourceManager to signal a container. |
StartContainersResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.startContainers(StartContainersRequest request)
ApplicationMaster provides a list of
StartContainerRequest s to a NodeManager to
start Container s allocated to it using this interface. |
StopContainersResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.stopContainers(StopContainersRequest request)
ApplicationMaster requests a NodeManager to
stop a list of Container s allocated to it using this
interface. |
SubmitApplicationResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.submitApplication(SubmitApplicationRequest request)
The interface used by clients to submit a new application to the
ResourceManager. |
ReservationSubmissionResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.submitReservation(ReservationSubmissionRequest request)
The interface used by clients to submit a new reservation to the
ResourceManager . |
UpdateApplicationPriorityResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.updateApplicationPriority(UpdateApplicationPriorityRequest request)
The interface used by client to set priority of an application.
UpdateApplicationTimeoutsResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.updateApplicationTimeouts(UpdateApplicationTimeoutsRequest request)
The interface used by client to set ApplicationTimeouts of an application.
ContainerUpdateResponse |
ContainerManagementProtocol.updateContainer(ContainerUpdateRequest request)
The API used by the
ApplicationMaster to request for
resource update of running containers on the NodeManager . |
ReservationUpdateResponse |
ApplicationClientProtocol.updateReservation(ReservationUpdateRequest request)
The interface used by clients to update an existing Reservation.
UseSharedCacheResourceResponse |
ClientSCMProtocol.use(UseSharedCacheResourceRequest request)
The interface used by clients to claim a resource with the
SharedCacheManager. The client uses a checksum to identify the
resource and an ApplicationId to identify which application will be
using the resource. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Main run function for the application master
boolean |
Main run function for the client
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionCancelUpgrade(String appName)
Cancels the upgrade of the service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionCleanUp(String appName,
String userName)
Operation to be performed by the RM after an application has completed.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionDecommissionInstances(String appName,
List<String> componentInstances)
Decommission component instances of a long running service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionDestroy(String appName)
Remove the specification and all application data for a YARN application.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionFlex(String appName,
Map<String,String> componentCounts)
Change the number of running containers for a component of a YARN
application / long-running service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionLaunch(String fileName,
String appName,
Long lifetime,
String queue)
Launch a new YARN application.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionSave(String fileName,
String appName,
Long lifetime,
String queue)
Save the specification for a YARN application / long-running service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionStart(String appName)
Start a YARN application from a previously saved specification.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionStop(String appName)
Stop a YARN application (attempt to stop gracefully before killing the
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionUpgradeComponents(String appName,
List<String> components)
Upgrade components of a long running service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionUpgradeExpress(String appName,
File fileName)
Express upgrade a long running service.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.actionUpgradeInstances(String appName,
List<String> componentInstances)
Upgrade component instances of a long running service.
abstract AllocateResponse |
AMRMClient.allocate(float progressIndicator)
Request additional containers and receive new container allocations.
abstract void |
TimelineClient.cancelDelegationToken(Token<TimelineDelegationTokenIdentifier> timelineDT)
Cancel a timeline delegation token.
abstract void |
NMClient.commitLastReInitialization(ContainerId containerId)
Commit last reInitialization of the specified container.
abstract YarnClientApplication |
Obtain a
YarnClientApplication for a new application,
which in turn contains the ApplicationSubmissionContext and
objects. |
abstract GetNewReservationResponse |
Obtain a
GetNewReservationResponse for a new reservation,
which contains the ReservationId object. |
abstract ReservationDeleteResponse |
YarnClient.deleteReservation(ReservationDeleteRequest request)
The interface used by clients to remove an existing Reservation.
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.enableFastLaunch(String destinationFolder)
Upload AM dependencies to HDFS.
abstract void |
YarnClient.failApplicationAttempt(ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId)
Fail an application attempt identified by given ID.
abstract List<QueueInfo> |
Get information (
QueueInfo ) about all queues, recursively if there
is a hierarchy |
abstract Token<AMRMTokenIdentifier> |
YarnClient.getAMRMToken(ApplicationId appId)
Get the AMRM token of the application.
abstract ApplicationAttemptReport |
AHSClient.getApplicationAttemptReport(ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId)
Get a report of the given ApplicationAttempt.
abstract ApplicationAttemptReport |
YarnClient.getApplicationAttemptReport(ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId)
Get a report of the given ApplicationAttempt.
abstract List<ApplicationAttemptReport> |
AHSClient.getApplicationAttempts(ApplicationId applicationId)
Get a report of all (ApplicationAttempts) of Application in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationAttemptReport> |
YarnClient.getApplicationAttempts(ApplicationId applicationId)
Get a report of all (ApplicationAttempts) of Application in the cluster.
abstract ApplicationReport |
AHSClient.getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId)
Get a report of the given Application.
abstract ApplicationReport |
YarnClient.getApplicationReport(ApplicationId appId)
Get a report of the given Application.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of all Applications in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of all Applications in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates)
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
application states in the cluster.
List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(GetApplicationsRequest request)
Get a list of ApplicationReports that match the given
GetApplicationsRequest . |
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(Set<String> applicationTypes)
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications
matching the given application types in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates)
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
application types and application states in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates,
Set<String> applicationTags)
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given
application types, application states and application tags in the cluster.
abstract List<ApplicationReport> |
YarnClient.getApplications(Set<String> queues,
Set<String> users,
Set<String> applicationTypes,
EnumSet<YarnApplicationState> applicationStates)
Get a report (ApplicationReport) of Applications matching the given users,
queues, application types and application states in the cluster.
abstract Map<NodeAttributeKey,List<NodeToAttributeValue>> |
YarnClient.getAttributesToNodes(Set<NodeAttributeKey> attributes)
The interface used by client to get mapping of AttributeKey to associated
NodeToAttributeValue list for specified node attributeKeys in the cluster.
abstract List<QueueInfo> |
YarnClient.getChildQueueInfos(String parent)
Get information (
QueueInfo ) about all the immediate children queues
of the given queue |
abstract Set<NodeAttributeInfo> |
The interface used by client to get node attributes in the cluster.
abstract List<NodeLabel> |
The interface used by client to get node labels in the cluster
abstract ContainerReport |
AHSClient.getContainerReport(ContainerId containerId)
Get a report of the given Container.
abstract ContainerReport |
YarnClient.getContainerReport(ContainerId containerId)
Get a report of the given Container.
abstract List<ContainerReport> |
AHSClient.getContainers(ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId)
Get a report of all (Containers) of ApplicationAttempt in the cluster.
abstract List<ContainerReport> |
YarnClient.getContainers(ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId)
Get a report of all (Containers) of ApplicationAttempt in the cluster.
abstract ContainerStatus |
NMClient.getContainerStatus(ContainerId containerId,
NodeId nodeId)
Query the status of a container.
abstract Token<TimelineDelegationTokenIdentifier> |
TimelineClient.getDelegationToken(String renewer)
Get a delegation token so as to be able to talk to the timeline server in a
secure way.
abstract String |
AppAdminClient.getInstances(String appName,
List<String> components,
String version,
List<String> containerStates) |
abstract Map<String,Set<NodeId>> |
The interface used by client to get labels to nodes mapping
in existing cluster
abstract Map<String,Set<NodeId>> |
YarnClient.getLabelsToNodes(Set<String> labels)
The interface used by client to get labels to nodes mapping
for specified labels in existing cluster
List<LocalizationStatus> |
NMClient.getLocalizationStatuses(ContainerId containerId,
NodeId nodeId)
Get the localization statuses of a container.
abstract List<NodeReport> |
YarnClient.getNodeReports(NodeState... states)
Get a report of nodes (
NodeReport ) in the cluster. |
abstract Map<String,Set<NodeAttribute>> |
YarnClient.getNodeToAttributes(Set<String> hostNames)
The interface used by client to get all node to attribute mapping in
existing cluster.
abstract Map<NodeId,Set<String>> |
The interface used by client to get node to labels mappings in existing cluster
abstract List<QueueUserACLInfo> |
Get information about acls for current user on all the
existing queues.
abstract QueueInfo |
YarnClient.getQueueInfo(String queueName)
Get information (
QueueInfo ) about a given queue. |
abstract QueueInfo |
YarnClient.getQueueInfo(String queueName,
String subClusterId)
Get information (
QueueInfo ) about a given queue. |
abstract Resource |
YarnClient.getResourceProfile(String profile)
Get the details of a specific resource profile from the RM.
abstract Map<String,Resource> |
Get the resource profiles available in the RM.
abstract List<org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceTypeInfo> |
Get available resource types supported by RM.
abstract Token |
YarnClient.getRMDelegationToken(Text renewer)
Get a delegation token so as to be able to talk to YARN using those tokens.
abstract List<QueueInfo> |
Get information (
QueueInfo ) about top level queues. |
abstract String |
AppAdminClient.getStatusString(String appIdOrName)
Get detailed app specific status string for a YARN application.
abstract YarnClusterMetrics |
Get metrics (
YarnClusterMetrics ) about the cluster. |
abstract void |
NMClient.increaseContainerResource(Container container)
abstract int |
AppAdminClient.initiateUpgrade(String appName,
String fileName,
boolean autoFinalize)
Initiate upgrade of a long running service.
abstract void |
YarnClient.killApplication(ApplicationId applicationId)
Kill an application identified by given ID.
abstract void |
YarnClient.killApplication(ApplicationId applicationId,
String diagnostics)
Kill an application identified by given ID.
abstract ReservationListResponse |
YarnClient.listReservations(ReservationListRequest request)
The interface used by clients to get the list of reservations in a plan.
void |
NMClient.localize(ContainerId containerId,
NodeId nodeId,
Map<String,LocalResource> localResources)
Localize resources for a container.
abstract void |
YarnClient.moveApplicationAcrossQueues(ApplicationId appId,
String queue)
Attempts to move the given application to the given queue.
abstract void |
TimelineClient.putDomain(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId,
TimelineDomain domain)
Send the information of a domain to the timeline server.
abstract void |
TimelineClient.putDomain(TimelineDomain domain)
Send the information of a domain to the timeline server.
abstract TimelinePutResponse |
TimelineClient.putEntities(ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId,
TimelineEntityGroupId groupId,
TimelineEntity... entities)
Send the information of a number of conceptual entities to the timeline
abstract TimelinePutResponse |
TimelineClient.putEntities(TimelineEntity... entities)
Send the information of a number of conceptual entities to the timeline
abstract RegisterApplicationMasterResponse |
AMRMClient.registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName,
int appHostPort,
String appTrackingUrl)
Register the application master.
RegisterApplicationMasterResponse |
AMRMClient.registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName,
int appHostPort,
String appTrackingUrl,
Map<Set<String>,PlacementConstraint> placementConstraints)
Register the application master.
abstract void |
NMClient.reInitializeContainer(ContainerId containerId,
ContainerLaunchContext containerLaunchContex,
boolean autoCommit)
Re-Initialize the Container.
abstract void |
SharedCacheClient.release(ApplicationId applicationId,
String resourceKey)
The method to release a resource with the
This method is called once an application is no longer using a claimed
resource in the shared cache. |
abstract long |
TimelineClient.renewDelegationToken(Token<TimelineDelegationTokenIdentifier> timelineDT)
Renew a timeline delegation token.
abstract void |
NMClient.restartContainer(ContainerId containerId)
Restart the specified container.
abstract void |
NMClient.rollbackLastReInitialization(ContainerId containerId)
Rollback last reInitialization of the specified container.
abstract void |
YarnClient.signalToContainer(ContainerId containerId,
SignalContainerCommand command)
Signal a container identified by given ID.
abstract Map<String,ByteBuffer> |
NMClient.startContainer(Container container,
ContainerLaunchContext containerLaunchContext)
Start an allocated container.
abstract void |
NMClient.stopContainer(ContainerId containerId,
NodeId nodeId)
Stop an started container.
abstract ApplicationId |
YarnClient.submitApplication(ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext)
Submit a new application to
YARN. It is a blocking call - it
will not return ApplicationId until the submitted application is
submitted successfully and accepted by the ResourceManager. |
abstract ReservationSubmissionResponse |
YarnClient.submitReservation(ReservationSubmissionRequest request)
The interface used by clients to submit a new reservation to the
ResourceManager . |
abstract void |
AMRMClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(FinalApplicationStatus appStatus,
String appMessage,
String appTrackingUrl)
Unregister the application master.
abstract Priority |
YarnClient.updateApplicationPriority(ApplicationId applicationId,
Priority priority)
The interface used by client to set priority of an application
UpdateApplicationTimeoutsResponse |
YarnClient.updateApplicationTimeouts(UpdateApplicationTimeoutsRequest request) |
abstract void |
NMClient.updateContainerResource(Container container)
Update the resources of a container.
abstract ReservationUpdateResponse |
YarnClient.updateReservation(ReservationUpdateRequest request)
The interface used by clients to update an existing Reservation.
abstract URL |
SharedCacheClient.use(ApplicationId applicationId,
String resourceKey)
The method to claim a resource with the
The client uses a checksum to identify the resource and an
ApplicationId to identify which application will be using the
resource. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract RegisterApplicationMasterResponse |
AMRMClientAsync.registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName,
int appHostPort,
String appTrackingUrl)
Registers this application master with the resource manager.
RegisterApplicationMasterResponse |
AMRMClientAsync.registerApplicationMaster(String appHostName,
int appHostPort,
String appTrackingUrl,
Map<Set<String>,PlacementConstraint> placementConstraints)
Register the application master.
void |
AMRMClientAsync.registerTimelineV2Client(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.TimelineV2Client timelineClient)
Register TimelineClient to AMRMClient.
abstract void |
AMRMClientAsync.unregisterApplicationMaster(FinalApplicationStatus appStatus,
String appMessage,
String appTrackingUrl)
Unregister the application master.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This exception is thrown on
API when the Application Attempt doesn't exist in Application History Server or
ApplicationMasterProtocol.allocate(AllocateRequest) if application
doesn't exist in RM. |
class |
Exception to be thrown when Client submit an application without
ApplicationId in ApplicationSubmissionContext . |
class |
This exception is thrown on
(GetApplicationReportRequest) API
when the Application doesn't exist in RM and AHS |
class |
This exception is thrown on unrecoverable configuration errors.
class |
This exception is thrown on
API when the container doesn't exist in AHS |
class |
This exception is thrown when a feature is being used which is not enabled
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
ServiceClient.actionBuild(Service service) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionCancelUpgrade(String appName) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionCleanUp(String appName,
String userName) |
ApplicationId |
ServiceClient.actionCreate(Service service) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionDecommissionInstances(String appName,
List<String> componentInstances) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionDestroy(String serviceName) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionFlex(String serviceName,
Map<String,String> componentCountStrings) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionLaunch(String fileName,
String serviceName,
Long lifetime,
String queue) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionSave(String fileName,
String serviceName,
Long lifetime,
String queue) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionStart(String serviceName) |
ApplicationId |
ServiceClient.actionStartAndGetId(String serviceName) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionStop(String serviceName) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionStop(String serviceName,
boolean waitForAppStopped) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionUpgrade(Service service,
List<Container> compInstances) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionUpgradeComponents(String appName,
List<String> components) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionUpgradeExpress(Service service) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionUpgradeExpress(String appName,
File path) |
int |
ServiceClient.actionUpgradeInstances(String appName,
List<String> componentInstances) |
protected Path |
ServiceClient.addJarResource(String serviceName,
Map<String,LocalResource> localResources) |
protected org.apache.hadoop.yarn.service.ClientAMProtocol |
ServiceClient.createAMProxy(String serviceName,
ApplicationReport appReport) |
int |
ServiceClient.enableFastLaunch(String destinationFolder) |
Map<String,Long> |
ServiceClient.flexByRestService(String serviceName,
Map<String,Long> componentCounts) |
ApplicationId |
ServiceClient.getAppId(String serviceName) |
ComponentContainers[] |
ServiceClient.getContainers(String appName,
List<String> components,
String version,
List<ContainerState> containerStates) |
String |
ServiceClient.getInstances(String appName,
List<String> components,
String version,
List<String> containerStates) |
Service |
ServiceClient.getStatus(String serviceName) |
String |
ServiceClient.getStatusString(String appIdOrName) |
int |
ServiceClient.initiateUpgrade(Service service) |
int |
ServiceClient.initiateUpgrade(String appName,
String fileName,
boolean autoFinalize) |
Service |
ServiceClient.loadAppJsonFromLocalFS(String fileName,
String serviceName,
Long lifetime,
String queue) |
String |
ServiceClient.updateLifetime(String serviceName,
long lifetime) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Initialize the object.
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