@InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Evolving
Exception | Description |
AbfsDriverException |
Exception to be thrown if any Runtime Exception occurs.
AbfsInvalidChecksumException |
Exception to wrap invalid checksum verification on client side.
AbfsRestOperationException |
Exception to wrap Azure service error responses.
AzureBlobFileSystemException |
Base exception for any Azure Blob File System driver exceptions.
ConcurrentWriteOperationDetectedException |
Thrown when a concurrent write operation is detected.
ConfigurationPropertyNotFoundException |
Thrown when a searched for element is not found
FileSystemOperationUnhandledException |
Thrown when an unhandled exception is occurred during a file system operation.
InvalidAbfsRestOperationException |
Exception to wrap invalid Azure service error responses and exceptions
raised on network IO.
InvalidAclOperationException |
Thrown when there is an attempt to perform an invalid operation on an ACL.
InvalidConfigurationValueException |
Thrown when a configuration value is invalid
InvalidFileSystemPropertyException |
Thrown when a file system property is invalid.
InvalidUriAuthorityException |
Thrown when URI authority is invalid.
InvalidUriException |
Thrown when URI is invalid.
TimeoutException |
Thrown when a timeout happens.
TrileanConversionException |
Thrown when tried to convert Trilean.UNKNOWN to boolean.
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